Welcome back dear readers!
Today is a special day. Today, August 31st marks the release date of Qasir al-Wasat. After 16 months of hard work, the game is finally complete (or so we convinced ourselves to believe). Qasir is available at our website qasir.adugestudio.com.
If you like the game and want to see it on Steam you can also upvote it at our Steam GreenLight page
Enjoy it, and happy gaming. We hope you enjoy your experience with Qasir al-Wasat, as much we enjoyed the experience of creating it. See you soon!
PS: For those who bought the game at Desura: we are waiting the approval of their system that should happen in the next few days.

Welcome back dear readers. Today we bring another great news.
After 16 long months of hard work and much hardships, Qasir al-Wasat is finally ready for release. It took us a long time, much longer than what we expected, but it is here! Qasir al-Wasat will be offically released August 31st 2012! We thank everyone who pre-ordered for your support and patience. For those who didn’t, there is still time to pre-order the game with the promotional price of $7.49.
So, next weekend, get ready to explore the wondrous palace of Qasir al-Wasat and unearth its mysteries! Hope you all enjoy it!
We have exciting news today! Qasir al·Wasat was selected from more than 490 submitted games to be featured as a finalist at the IndieCade festival. Called the “Sundance of Video-Games”, IndieCade is the only stand-alone independent game festival in the United States and one of the biggest in the world. We are delighted and honored to be featured alongside such great games as the other finalists. You can check the full list of finalists here.
As the game gets closer to its final version we can see how Qasir is really going to look like.
You can also check these screenshots on Qasir’s site or on the facebook page. =)
Hello everyone!
Exciting times are coming. We are very proud to announce that Qasir al-Wasat is days away from being released. From the production room we can say that the game is finished, and the team is currently in full debug mode. We will be announcing the release date very soon.
And if you want to be sure not to miss this release, or any other important news here from the studio, put your e-mail in this little form (or use the form on the blog’s sidebar), and we’ll send them right into your inbox.
This e-mail list will be the first place were we will announce the important stuff, such as our games release and the start of new projects. It will be exclusively for the big news, though, so we promise not to fill your inbox. If you like to see the details of the games development, you will find those here on the blog. (Use the RSS feed to receive the blog’s updates in your reader or in your inbox).
So make sure to put your e-mail in the list, and see you very, very soon.